Enter The Pitch – HND YR2 – Task 2 C)

Create planning to assist in the creation of your pitch. (i.e script, shot list, storyboard, location recce, H&S, etc) The information you submit for this section is dependent on your pitch but there should definitely be evidence)

Script for my pitch shall simply just be a male voice exclaiming he made it into uni to show he is leaving which is the start of my story,
For my shot list I have planned for it mainly to be text but how I want it to go is:

– Starting off with the verse I have chosen
– A scene of an alone male
– Party scene
– text explaining how my story will start and its connection to the chosen bible story
– flashing images of groups together to show “togetherness”
– More text explaining how my story will work
– Drama images of fighting
– text explaining how drama in the modern story will happen.

The locations I have used include
– Brooksby Melton
-Outlook nightclub
– Free Images of wars

The whole video will be the length of hopefully 2 minutes and will include all main points of the story.